For the last two years i have missed my Mom's birthday as well as most other holidays and special occasions. So this year instead of taking another internship in new city in a new state, i made the decision to come back to my hometown of Knoxville, Tn and spend the summer with my family. It was a really hard decision, and i wasnt sure it was the right one for quite a while. I think it was so ingrained into my heard that if i didnt get an internship somehow i would be failing. It took some time to realize that doing something different might be what i need. I guess i ll know at the end of the summer. I wont be taking a break completely from photography though. I was offered the newly created summer intern position at the Knoxville News Sentinel after a friend of mine, Joe Howell left to get married and start his freelance career in Nashville. So, i am looking forward to spending a great summer with my family and catching up on some moments that i might have been missing. Like this one. Happy birthday Mom.