Friday, April 18, 2008

Hold em'

Texas that is...

A group of locals get together at the back of a bar to play a game of poker.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

something new to look at

I really cant stand checking someones blog on a regular basis and seeing the same old photo staring back at me every time. Which is exactly what i'm guilty of. So, here is a an update.

I recently finished the Appalachian Cultural project in Whitesburg, Ky. and so i thought i would post a couple of my favorite portraits from my time there. It took place in Eastern Kentucky and i cant say enough about the people and the culture there. The landscape has a mystique to it that is almost addicting. It is refreshing to be in a town that feels alive, and has a pulse. To meet real people facing real problems everyday. It was truly a sobering experience. I know that one day i want to return there on my own for one reason or another.

Check out the Website to see the rest of the workshop